2016年1月28日 星期四

Professor Yau Jing-Po & Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

Professor Yau Jing-Po & Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

Written by Li-Chang Kuo
On the 29th day of January in 1998, when I did the final visit to Professor Yao Jing-Po (姚靜波) at NCKU (National Cheng Kung University), he told me that “I am already 82 year-old…” so that he’s supposed to be born in 1916, and this year he should be 100 year-old. Professor Yau served in the Department of Electrical Engineering at NCKU since 1949, after he conveyed the arsenal of ‘504’ from Northeast China to Tainan, Taiwan. Professor Yau who taught his students always patiently to foster many talented people as social assets for the global society.
Destiny is very fantastic. There is one mystery power connecting a node with another node to be a network. In 1964, my father pulled my hand to the Cheng Kung University, and introduced me in Japanese to Professor Yau. I saw a skinny and tall man but he’s smiling for he just married with my aunt. (Time flies over the past five decades in blink of an eye) Thereafter, Professor Yau became my help, and indirectly achieved Taiwan’s Precision Industry as a frontier in the new era.
I heard that Professor Yau was born in Harbin, and he gained a scholarship to study in Canada as graduated from college. When Cheng Kung University upgraded from Provincial to National University in 1971, the School re-examined all the teachers’ qualification; unfortunately, Professor Yau’s diploma certificates and his personal belongings were missing during he was commanded to convey the arsenal to Taiwan in the civil war of China’s Liaoshen Campaign. He was very anxious to contact his alma mater; at last, I was glad that he eventually solved his problem and could keep his teaching job and contributing his expertise more than four decades.
I received my first purchasing order from an American firm in December 1966, but when the goods which I made delivered to the said firm, one guy mocked me that “If one note says ‘free of charge’ in those provisions of the purchasing order, we do not have to pay you any penny!” I was scared to search for the provisions at once, but my interpreting ability was low because I was just a 13 year-old boy after all. I immediately thought of Professor Yau and was hurry to Cheng Kung University to ask for help. Thank my Lord, everything was OK, and I thus improved my interpreting ability since Professor Yau’s instruction.
In 1970, the vacuum tube was decided to be eliminated from the electric appliances, we must update to the era of transistor, but ‘no one knows what is transistor’; consequently, I went to NCKU to ask Professor Yau’s help and then received the purchasing order from a buyer of New York, and Tainan City became the leading city of transistor products in Taiwan, the influences are continued till today.
In 1973, I was noticed that NCSIST (National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology) projected developing a new missile—named ‘Brave Wind’ (Hsiung Feng) which required one kind of coil; I still went to NCKU to ask Professor Yau’s help, he reminded me a ‘Principle of Faraday’s Right Hand’, Faraday’s research on the magnetic field around a conductor carrying a direct current that meant ‘Corona Discharge’, and “A Corona Discharge is an electrical discharge brought on by the ionization of a fluid surrounding a conductor that is electrically charged. Corona discharge may arise from other conductors carrying alternating current at very high voltages, such as long-distance transmission lines and high-power short-wave transmitting antennae.” Therefore, the copper wire just to extrude to be very fine—the diameter less than human hair, then the coil could be achieved to meet the requirement. We finished one more job together, and the missile succeeded to launch in 1975.
Professor Yau can be sure is a great scholar; because of his introduction, I met Professor Ma Chen-Chiu and learnt the ‘Mechanical Introduction’ to resolve a lot of problems. As to my invention of ‘Power Chip’ for actuating the contactless TranSmart card with its reader (RF Transmitter) to transmit and/or receive radio signals that idea also came from Professor Yau’s ‘Ion Impacting Method’. Nowadays, the TranSmart card constructing an ‘EPS’ (electronic payment system) to do the cashless transaction is being applied in the modern societies of the worldwide. However, today I can not find the name of Professor Yau Jing-Po on-line, nor in the website of NCKU. Nevertheless, I wrote this article to salute Professor Yau’s contribution.

2016年1月21日 星期四

The Sacred Spirit in Taiwan

The Sacred Spirit in Taiwan

I saw the words--‘Founded in 1868’ on a pack of tea leaves, one family can adhere to a business for 150 years, specialized skills from generation to generation, it’s no wonder to be superb, this spirit is the reason why Taiwan could be prosperous.

To do the Field-research, in a non-structural interview, the Octogenarian boss humbly said: “Your family was actually the family of this city; our store had been burned before, your grandpa Biao Kuo helped us to get another shop for subsisting our business…” Originally, His father and father’s father had been dealing with my grandfather’s Trading Company; meanwhile, it’s shown my grandpa’s character of helpfulness.
This is a changing world, but there is always a constant truth, one of them is ‘loving your neighbor as yourself and reaching your hand to the needy’. Tainan’s top rich man Biao Kuo, who would be able to give the shop to the unrelated people, and to discard the entire family business for trying to rescue the unrelated girls and his name had thus been removed completely from the earth by the Japanese militarist in1937, and been mocked as "Top Spendthrift in Tainan" by the betrayal slaves and those unworthy descendants, the outsiders could not realize why Biao Kuo’s inside-story about his fallen overnight. However, after 70 years, a voice came from heaven to guide me picking up my grandpa’s wreckage and enshrining at Abraham Memorial Center in 2007, the name—‘Kuo Biao’ re-appeared; and further to discover the difference between the ‘Great Kindness’ and ‘Top Spendthrift’ from a bag of tea leaves….

In Chinese:


從一包紅玉茶看見「一八六八年創業」字樣,台灣人能堅守專業150年,技藝代代相傳,不精湛也難,民間這種傳承精神才是台灣繁榮的根源。進行田野調查,在非結構性訪談中,八十多歲的老板說:「你們郭家才是府城世家;以前我們家曾經被火燒毀,你祖父在赤崁樓旁幫我們弄了一間店---」原來他的父祖就與郭家的和美貿易行有生意往來,也說明祖父郭標的樂於助人性格。人間世雖無常,但總有不變的道理,而「伸手救拔跌落坑裡的人」(reach your hand to the needy)即其中之一。府城大員外郭標,為了不相干的人可以給人房舍,為了不相干的女孩子竟能拋棄整個家業,在1937年被日本人徹底從地上除名,被不肖子孫及背叛的奴婢嘲笑為「台南第一敗家子」,外人根本無從得知郭標隕落之內幕;不過,來自天上的聲音指引之下,「郭標」二字在2007年終重現於亞伯拉罕中心,而且從一包茶葉又進一步挖掘出「標少爺」與「標仔舍」的不同----

2016年1月18日 星期一

Tsai Ing-wen & New Era

Tsai Ing-wen & New Era

Written by Li-Chang Kuo
On the 16th day of January in 2016, Taiwan’s people selected a Lady President, Tsai Ing-wen for rebuilding Taiwan after a decade devastated, and toward new era of reviving economy. The Medias report: “Madam President--This is a historic moment for changing political landscape in Taiwan.” Tsai accomplished her last mile said in 4 years ago and became the number-one female President in Taiwan History, she commanded her supporters must be ‘humble, humble and humble again’ as won the president-elect; she announced that “This is a time to take responsibility of reform!” After a decade stagnation, there are many works to do for renewal Taiwan, nothing can be wait to renew, and the reform has begun in order to find a way back into glory.
A Statement released on the same day by the U.S. State Department Spokesperson John Kirby on Taiwan's Election to congratulate Dr. Tsai Ing-wen on her victory in Taiwan’s presidential election, and said that “We also congratulate the people on Taiwan for once again demonstrating the strength of their robust democratic system, which will now undergo another peaceful transition of power.” Former Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns as an Ambassador of the United States came to Taiwan to visit Tsai Ing-wen on Monday (January 18), two sides exchanged views and related issues on the relationship between Taiwan and the United States. The pundits comment that “It will be able to contribute to Taiwan joining the emerged international organizations like TPP in the near future.”
Taiwan was admired as ‘FORMOSA’ which meant ‘Beautiful Island’ since ancient times. For four hundred years history of Taiwan, Ms. Tsai Ing-wen is the first one woman will take the office with people’s expectation of rebuilding the country. Taiwan people looking forward to create a new era both in the political and economic aspects; especially, more transparency and eliminating those entities of corruption that appeared in the era of Ma Ying-jeou.

2016年1月16日 星期六

Tsai Ing-wen & New Era

Tsai Ing-wen & New Era

On the 16th day of January in 2016, Taiwan’s people selected a Lady President, Tsai Ing-wen for rebuilding Taiwan after a decade devastated, and toward new era of reviving economy. The medias report: “This is a historic moment for changing political landscape in Taiwan.” Tsai accomplished her last mile said in 4 years ago and became the number-one female President in Taiwan History, she commanded her supporters must be ‘humble, humble and humble again’ as won the presidential-elect; she announced that “This is a time to take responsibility of reform!” After a decade stagnation, there are many works to do for renewal Taiwan, it can not wait, and the reform has begun in order to find a way back into glory.

A Lady President

A Lady President, Tsai Ing-wen has won the presidential election of Taiwan tonight.

On this very day--Saturday, January 16 in 2016 attained here in Taiwan.

Tsai Ing-wen represented DPP to gain 6,894,744 votes (56.12%) having won a big victory to become the first female president in the Taiwan history. She made a victory speech immediately to announce that “Rebuilding our country since tomorrow; we have proved we’re freemen to the world; and DPP must take responsibility to reform…” Soon after, AIT paraphrased the Statement by U.S. State Department Spokesperson John Kirby on Taiwan's Election: “The United States congratulates Dr. Tsai Ing-wen on her victory in Taiwan’s presidential election. We also congratulate the people on Taiwan for once again demonstrating the strength of their robust democratic system, which will now undergo another peaceful transition of power.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712~1778) defined government as below: “The government is established to communicate with the sovereignty entity and people, an intermediate body responsible for implementing the law, protecting social and political freedom. Public sector is not a producer, but a consumer; in which the consumption of materials came from people’s labor. A flourishing population shows this government is in good governance; on the contrary, fertility reduction, social decline is due to a bad government.” (The Social Contract
As to the precondition of the existence of sovereignty entity is in the sanctity of the social contract; when the government emerging the phenomenon of centralization, and always conflicting with the 'Common Will'--just like tearing up the social contract, then the democracy will be undermined. KMT re-took the office in 2008 with the delivery of people’s highly trust; however, the corruption is rampant around the island till today to destroy the social contract. Today, citizens use the votes to teach the ruling party, and hoping that new government will follow the track to do the right things, and be able to lead Taiwan toward a bright future.

2016年1月11日 星期一

A-Chan’s Taiwan Story

A-Chan’s Taiwan Story

Written by Li-Chang Kuo
I was born in 1953, the year was KMT left Mainland China just 4 years for oppressive ruling Taiwan. Promulgation of martial law by KMT’s Chief Chiang Kai-Shek whose first priority was ‘Catch Communist Spies’—anyone who owned or read the books concerning ‘Karl Max’ would be captured and put into the jail and tortured to death. Unfortunately, my father Kun-Cheng Kuo’s workers, one of them was to identify as ‘Communist Spy’ to arrest, my father made efforts to rescue the said communist spy, saved that guy but my father himself was embroiled a whirlpool of lawsuit, my father was astonished to be scared and arranged the outlet of his employees, only one person alone was fighting Chiang Kai-Shek’s ‘White Terror Regime’. My father looked like an impoverished person because he paid all his earned to the attorney, therefore, I’d been always starving as my childhood and realizing a very important skill—‘OBSERVATION’.
My father gave me a first name ‘Li-Chang’, but he called me ‘A-Chan’ which word in Chinese has ‘two suns’ () meant ‘bright, abundance and strong’. When I realized that how to observe the matters, I found out just learned one of my father’s techniques that future should be on my hands if I did not meddle the others. So that I started trying very hard to learn something from my father. In June 1965, I was already able to make the whole set of progressive die for the deep-drawing metal parts such as ‘Eyelets & Lugs’ before I finished the Park Primary School; in addition, I could handle those related accessories of the automation which for mounting the progressive die. Consequently, I left my hometown Tainan in November 1965 for Kaoshiung and looking for the Export Processing Zone (KEPZ). During the Chinese Lunar New Year of 1966, my father was maliciously arrested by the polices of KMT, I found no KEPZ to sell my eyelets to anyone so that I became a duck-killer in the ‘National Market’ (Kuo-ming market) at 2 o’clock each morning to make money for living and kept my family alive in the darkness days.
Recall that very day of early , my father who planned to go back Tainan to see my grandma, he questioned me that “If I was captured by those evildoers, how can you do?” I answered that “Papa, do not worry, I’ll make money and protect grandma, young brothers….” Yet, when polices come to arrest my father, my grandma was attacked Incidentally by the police to break her footbinding legs to be a paralysis untill she died on 25 October, 1970. Nevertheless, I still worked hard to keep alive and never let anyone lacked of bread in each meal. I’d like to thank my Most High who brought an American to me in November 1966, and I received his first purchasing order in December, and received the first payment in January 1967; and then we unfolded a journey to conquer the global Antenna market of TV sets….


Kuo, Li-Chang (2005c). Open the Way for Next Generation. Taichung: Panhornic. ISBN 957-30374-4-0