A Lady President, Tsai Ing-wen has won the presidential
election of Taiwan
On this very day--Saturday, January 16 in 2016 attained here in Taiwan.

Tsai Ing-wen represented DPP to gain 6,894,744 votes (56.12%) having won a big victory
to become the first female president in the Taiwan history. She made a victory speech
immediately to announce that “Rebuilding our country since tomorrow; we have
proved we’re freemen to the world; and DPP must take responsibility to reform…”
Soon after, AIT paraphrased the Statement by U.S. State Department Spokesperson
John Kirby on Taiwan 's
Election: “The United States
congratulates Dr. Tsai Ing-wen on her victory in Taiwan ’s presidential election. We
also congratulate the people on Taiwan
for once again demonstrating the strength of their robust democratic system,
which will now undergo another peaceful transition of power.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712~1778) defined government as below: “The government is established
to communicate with the sovereignty entity and people, an intermediate body
responsible for implementing the law, protecting social and political freedom. Public
sector is not a producer, but a consumer; in which the consumption of materials
came from people’s labor. A flourishing population shows this government is in
good governance; on the contrary, fertility reduction, social decline is due to
a bad government.” (The Social Contract)
As to the precondition
of the existence of sovereignty entity is in the sanctity of the social contract;
when the government emerging the phenomenon of centralization, and always conflicting
with the 'Common Will'--just like tearing up the social contract, then the democracy
will be undermined. KMT re-took the office in 2008 with the delivery of people’s
highly trust; however, the corruption is rampant around the island till today to
destroy the social contract. Today, citizens use the votes to teach the ruling
party, and hoping that new government will follow the track to do the right things,
and be able to lead Taiwan
toward a bright future.