2016年2月4日 星期四

My Grandmother

The Suffering Memorial of Fiftieth Anniversary

Written by Li-Chang Kuo
In a joy season of ‘Chinese Lunar New Year’ that is a festival every Taiwanese longing for. No matter how much plight in the living situation, it will be satisfied as long as the family can reunion at hearthside.
Go back to hometown Tainan for commemorating my ancestor, I discovered ‘life just like the morning dew’, instantly, I become the eldest generation; facing the name plate of my grandma Kuo Chen Su-Jen (1896-1970) at Memorial Park, because this is a ‘Monkey Year’ in 2016, grandma’s zodiac was ‘Monkey’, I can help to remember that during the festival of Chinese Lunar New Year in 1966, four mighty Kuomintang (KMT) polices maliciously came to arrest my father Kun-Cheng Kuo (1926-1999) at # 45, Tsung-En Street, Tainan, the same day, those forceful polices cruellybroke my grandma’s binding-feet to make her became a paralysis, and never stood up again until she passed away on the 25th day of October in 1970. .
Today is a ‘Passion Day’ of fiftieth anniversary of my Grandma suffered by the KMT's brutal ‘White Terror’, and recall that their corruption rampaging around the Island in the past years; consequently, I am writing this Memorial to record this story.
Grandma’s small scissor
Grandma’s small scissor
Big grip and small blade
Cut various words, insects, fish and birds
Cut out her vicissitude life
Grandma’s small scissor
Recounting the family's tears and blood
Righteous but was rampant and suffered
Lost her belongings, sons and husband
Grandma’s small scissor
It could not cut back all her loses
Her glory was blew away and
Could not wake those furious evildoers
Grandma put down her small scissors
Her slender hands hold a bowl of rice
Thanks heavenly Father’s give
A glimmer of light emerged from her heart